“Take care of it before it gets recorded on your Soul”.
…Everything that “slides” into us with our thoughts or feelings, remains there for a long long periods of time. Sometimes for lifetimes. Until it gets resolved. And it eventually becomes our beliefs or even parts of our identity. And then – it’s much more difficult to heal. Therefore, being mindful about our feelings and thoughts is essential to feel in charge of the creation of our reality.
This thought that I heard today, resonated so much with me as I have a daily habit that I’ve developed for myself long time ago – to not leave anything painful unnoticed, unattended or supressed. It needs to be resolved… This allows your physical body to stay healthy and to be mindful and responsible for your creations whether they are conscious or unconscious. It is worth the effort, as this way you get to be the creator of your own reality.
Lots of love to you