
Abundance Acceptance Accepting Love Anxiety Behavioural Patterns Beliefs Body Body Love career Children fears Conditional Love Conscious creation emotions energy blocks Energy Healing Expectations Expressing gratitude Fear Feelings Gratitude Happiness Healing Healing Fears Heart Identity Inner Peace Intuition job Lack Lack of Love life choices Limitations Little things Love Mind Miracles Natural miracle Pain Past life fears Past Life Memories Pets Phobia Power Receiving Rejection Relationship releasing the trauma Resolving Trauma Safety Soul Source State of Mind Subconscious Subconscious Fear Theta healing Trauma Truth Virtues Worth

  • Energy Healing for Pets

    Energy Healing for Pets

    Your pet may benefit from theta healing or any other energy healing form the same way as do people. Pets are also Souls, energy beings having a physical body and experiencing life on Earth. They feel the same emotions, feelings and experience challenging situations that may all sum up as energy blocks in the body…


  • Happiness. Is it Possible to Feel it Daily?

    Happiness. Is it Possible to Feel it Daily?

    We tend to believe happiness is a luxury. Happiness is rare. It is short-lived. Happiness is difficult to find… From the childhood we hear stories and fairy tales that describe happiness as something rare, hardly achievable and only meant for royalty or noble people but not for a regular person. And we expect it, anyways.…


  • When Lack Feels Like Home

    When Lack Feels Like Home

    I’d love to share some insights gained in my recent healing practice. So often people really cannot see that their lack is an illusion created by the min! When this happens, we live believing “I do not have anything”, “I AM lack” “Abundance is an illusion for me”, “My worth equals my posessions”, “I don’t…


  • The Little Things in Life

    The Little Things in Life

    “How you do anything is how you do everything” Every time I hear this quote it has an awakening effect on me. It always sharply reminds me of who I am, what are my true values and my true priorities in life. So much so as if I was just called by my name… my…


  • “You are Allowed to Love”

    “You are Allowed to Love”

    Doesn’t that sound odd? Aren’t we allowed to love whoever and whatever we want? Are we supposed to ask for a permission to love? It turns out, kind of…yes. Our subconscious feelings and experiences control our reactions and “provide permission” to love or unlove somebody. The subconscious would not allow us to continue loving somebody…


  • Ask Your Heart!

    Ask Your Heart!

    Our heart never lies. It feels and sees the TRUTH even though we may not be ready to accept it. Actually, we don’t have the slightest idea this “other” truth exists, the more so, we don’t know we CAN actually connect to our heart and ask for the truth. It is so important to feel…


  • How to Identify Love

    How to Identify Love

    I’ve had quite a few convesations with my clients about them yearning for love, desiring love, longing for love, looking for love and still getting only scraps of it… What is it that makes it so difficult to receive love? Often times when my clients nod with confidence that they surely desire love and that…


  • About the Power of Miracles

    About the Power of Miracles

    “Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong” ( “A Course in Miracles”). We are collectively hardwired to believe miracles are some rare mystical occurence, which might be experienced once or twice in a lifetime. We tend to avoid speaking of the miracles or even acknowledging them as they occur. We…


  • Expressing Gratitude vs Feeling Gratitude. How does this Affect Acceptance?

    Expressing Gratitude vs Feeling Gratitude. How does this Affect Acceptance?

    What is the difference between expressing gratitude and feeling grateful? I’ve noticed there is a huge difference between those terms as is our feelings towards gratitude in general. The problem occurs when we reject love, friendship, intimacy, gifts, kindness, etc. All of the times we reject something consciously or subconsciously, shows our inability to ACCEPT…