About the Fears coming from the Past Lives (III)

Have you ever wondered where do our phobias come from? What is their origin? Even the small children suffer from various inexplicable phobias which don’t have any relationship with their actual life experiences. People have all sorts of fears (fear of water, fear of loneliness, fear of animals, fear of birds, fear of fire, fear of height, fear of vehicles, fear of diseases…the list goes on)…

Often times, our friends or family members try to convince us (or each other) that “it is all in your head”, “you are exaggerating”, “you’ve picked it from somebody”, etc. But actually, those fears “time travel” in our soul memory from another lifetimes where we have actually experienced painful situations or events that “got stuck” in our psyche as our unhealed traumas.

It feels very real when we feel into them as our subconscious doesn’t define between “now” and “then”. The more we try to suppress or hide our fears, the more difficult and active our feelings become. What makes us fearful is that we do not understand why it has happened to us, what was the purpose of the experience and we truly believe it was “by accident”, ” we were victims of the situation”, “it wasn’t meant to be”, etc. These feelings block our possibility of seeing the truth and the real meaning of of the situation. The fear doesn’t get resolved until it remains hidden under emotions of fear or horror.

We can only heal it when we dare to “open the wound” and look straight into it’s eye. What we would most certainly find are certain lessons or virtues for our spiritual growth that our soul had chosen in that liferime as it wouldn’t have been able to learn differently in that lifetime.

As soon as we realise the real purpose of the experience and how it has served our soul’s development, the tension is released, the trauma gets healed, it doesn’t carry the energetic charge anymore so the fear dissapears for good as it doesn’t serve any other purpose.

Children usually carry vivid memories of their soul which are not yet covered under the logical thinking and a false understanding of time. So they have actual memories of the past events in different lifetimes which they can access effortlessly. That’s why children’s phobias can be healed easily. What you need is a willingness to ask and readiness to help them solve the situation by holding the space and transforming gently their experiences into lessons and virtues