About the Origin of Fear (II)

😬 We have an abundance of fears. Fears hide deeply under behavioral patterns (procrastination, hesitation, rejection, indecissiveness, resistance to change, shyness, resistance, perfectionism, critisism, loneliness, etc.) or under certain emotions (anger, sadness, frustration, impatience, resentment, dissapointment, etc.).

Fear is usually hidden at the very bottom of the spectrum of feelings and is usually camouflaged by other emotions.

For instance, let’s say Mark wants to get his dream job 🤹‍♂️ and he is working hard to succeed. He’s been trying and searching for a long time without any luck. He feels his dream cannot be fulfilled. He feels crushed.

What Mark doesn’t realise is that possibilities to get this dream job are mostly defined (and limited) by various know or unknown fears ☠ lurking in his subconscious, such as:

• Fear of rejection by his friends if he got the job;

• Fear of losing his family for being too busy in his dream job;

• Fear of jealousy from his siblings

• Fear of getting sick because of stress

• Fear of failure in the new job

• Fear of burning out

• Fear of losing his purpose in life as getting the job would make him feel as though he’s got nothing else to aim for.

And the list goes on😱… We are basically ruled by fear without even knowing it. It is very rare to consciously realise or to detect a mechanism that this subconscious fear uses to control us only to keep us safe. This is how we end up staying in a painful situation for a long time or feel stuck for years somewhere we don’t want to be or avoid making an important step towards our own happiness.

It is actually easy to heal a fear and to stop limiting yourself by it. All you need to do is to ask certain questions and use answers properly.

With theta healing technique we have a possibility to detect the root of a problem, the root of a fear and to release it in minutes…

What you’ll usually find, is that the real cause of fear is something very unexpected or originating from a past life, or from some minor situation in your childhood and was carefully masked by some “unrelated” emotions or behavioral patterns.

💫 You might be just a few steps away from reaching your freedom from fear.

💫 I would love to assist you with releasing fears that prevent you from the freedom and abundance you deserve in life🧡🧡🧡