“You are Allowed to Love”

Doesn’t that sound odd? Aren’t we allowed to love whoever and whatever we want? Are we supposed to ask for a permission to love?

It turns out, kind of…yes. Our subconscious feelings and experiences control our reactions and “provide permission” to love or unlove somebody. The subconscious would not allow us to continue loving somebody when their behavior or words are negative, “wrong”, hurtful, etc. We are even encouraged to stay away, reject, abandon a person who dissapoints us or doesn’t meet our expectations. That is the easiest and the most automatic thing to do. And we’ve learned it so well! Actually, we are the masters of unloving behavior. It’s called CONDITIONAL LOVE. Everyone has experienced plenty of it during their childhood. Everytime we were misbehaving or dissapointed our parents or teachers, we experienced a certain lack of love through rejection, abuse, anger, abandonment, silent treatment, you name it. So when we witness somebody “misbehaving” or being rude, hurtful, etc., we immediately turn into our parents, grandparents or teachers and…discontinue our love to such a person. This reaction is automatic and is considered “right”, therefore we feel as though we are “not allowed to love” anymore because this is the “right thing to do”.

What would happen if we continued with our love? What if we had courage to see and to love the energy BEHIND certain behavior or words? What if we remembered, that we are divine Souls having human experience in a human bodies and everything has been carefully planned, organized and orchestrated in advance… What if we chose to discontinue limiting our LOVE towards others, choosing to feel compassion and kindness for these divine beings having a difficult time learning their pre-planned lessons in their human bodies… Would we feel different towards them if we acknowledge, that IT IS US who PROVIDE OURSELVES WITH THE PERMISSION TO LOVE. It is the most natural state and energy of the Soul. So it is EASY and RIGHT. And choosing to “unlove” is not natural, it is a lie we’ve learned to accept as a truth. Therefore, we should stop limiting that love inside of us and instead, choose to continue loving the Souls behind those human bodies. This would bring our divine power forward and give us a feeling of limitlessness.